Expanding Instructional Coaching in Pennsylvania Schools

The Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching (PIIC), a partnership of the Annenberg Foundation and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, is a statewide institute that will bring the benefits of instructional coaching to teachers, students, and schools across the state.  The ultimate goal: improved teaching practice and improved student achievement.

Working through the state’s 29 Intermediate Units (IUs), PIIC will provide consistent high-quality professional development to mentors, instructional coaches, teachers, and school administrators.  PIIC draws on the lessons learned by the Pennsylvania High School Coaching Initiative (PAHSCI), which began implementing instructional coaching in 16 high-needs districts in 2005. More about Instructional Coaching


In 2005, PAHSCI began implementing one-on-one instructional coaching in 26 high schools in 16 districts across Pennsylvania, supporting literacy and math coaches and providing training for coaches and their mentors. PAHSCI’s work continues, and PAHSCI’s model of instructional coaching forms the basis for PIIC.
More about PAHSCI

Enter PIIC

PIIC is a statewide resource for instructional coaching. By offering training to instructional mentors and coaches, PIIC will expand support for instructional coaching to all 29 IUs, while ensuring that these efforts are of high quality, consistent, and sustainable.
More about PIIC