Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching — A Partnership Between the Annenberg Foundation and the Pennsylvania Department of Education
RFA Visits Classrooms PDF Print E-mail
In April and May, RFA research team members, Diane Brown, Jolly Christman, Roseann Hugh, Holly Plastaras, Pierre du Plessis, and Rebecca Reumann-Moore, visited 9th and 10th grade English and math classrooms in several PAHSCI schools. RFA team leader, Diane Brown, recounted, “We were pleased to view, up close and personal, coaches’ work with teachers and teachers’ work with students. We have a deepened understanding of the range of skills and levels and varying commitment to change that coaches contend with in working with the entire school staff.”

Early analysis of data gleaned from both classroom visits and teacher interviews has provided RFA with indications pointing to: the significance of teacher participation in PLN coursework; the increase in student engagement and energy for learning; and the importance of trust to encourage teachers to fully participate in instructional coaching.

RFA celebrates the support their visits have received from PAHSCI points of contact, mentors, administrators and coaches, and thanks those who worked diligently to make these visits possible.