October 2016 event is a Success |
Instructional coaches, district administrators, PIIC Mentors, and Regional Mentor Coordinators (RMC) from around the state came to the Penn Stater Conference Center for PIIC’s latest Professional Learning Opportunity (PLO) that took place October 24- 26. It was the largest PIIC PLO in history! The event kicked off on October 24th at noon. After the table talk activity, PIIC Executive Director, Ellen Eisenberg, facilitated Coaching 101.5! for the new PIIC participants to learn about the PIIC Instructional Coaching Model. Veterans attended one of five pre-selected breakout sessions: · Instructional Learning Visits (ILVs) facilitated by Bruce Eisenberg, PIIC Associate Director, and education consultant Skip McCann; · A Coach’s Reflection: Moving Professional Development to Professional Learning facilitated by Karen DeNunzio, Exeter Township SD Instructional Coach, and IU PIIC Mentor Gail Porrazzo; · Extreme Makeover Laurel Style: Coaching Disciplinary Literacy facilitated by Shelly Mrozek, Lauren Jr/Sr HS Instructional Coach, and IU PIIC Mentor Amy Walker; · The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Coaches facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Missy Petrilak, Deb Goff, and RMC Gen Battisto; · PLCs that Make a Difference: The Coach’s Role facilitated by educational consultant Kathleen Eich and IU PIIC Mentor Terri Lewis. After a short break, participants attended Reading Non-Fiction Text: A Coach’s Role, a general session facilitated by Joe Ginotti, Director of the Penn Literacy Network (PLN). Amy Morton, National Institute for School Leadership, State Coordinator for Pennsylvania, spoke at dinner. Day 2 started with new PIIC PLN participants attending Building a Foundation through PLN facilitated by Joe Ginotti. Five breakout sessions were held for veterans: · Formative Assessment: A Great Place to Start facilitated by coaches Rebecca Conn, Conemaugh Twp. SD. Instructional Coach, Jana Bennet, Westmont Hilltop SD Instructional Coach, and Chris Hudak, Windber Area SD Instructional Coach; · Facilitating Professional Discussions: The Coach’s Role facilitated by educational consultant Kathleen Eich, Instructional Coach Heather Housel, and Instructional Coach Leah Richwine; · To iLearn, or not to iLearn? That is the Question facilitated by Liz Meehan, Lena Wasylyk, Adriana Coppola, and Sylvia de Bourmont, Randolph Township HS Instructional Coaches, all from New Jersey; · Creating your Coaching Utopia facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Jamie Pitcavage and Carol Adams; · Adults are Different: Meeting the Needs of Adult Learners facilitated by RMC Charles Territo, IU PIIC Mentors Lori Ceremuga, and Amy Walker. After a break, next on the agenda were the concurrent sessions: Coaching Conversations Around Reading Nonfiction Text facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Heather Moschetta, Diane Hubona, Terri Lewis, Amber Molloy, and educational consultant Kathleen Eich. These sessions were content related: Business, Computers, and IT; World Languages and Social Studies; Health Education, Physical Education and Science, Art, Music and ELA; and Math and CTE. Participants then attended their third pre-selected breakout session: · What about Words? Coaching for Academic Vocabulary Instruction across Grades and Content Areas facilitated by Christie Peiffer, Hempfield School District Instructional Coach and Sara Lobaugh, West Shore School District Instructional Coach; · The Quiet Storm: The Process of Listening with your Brain facilitated by RMC Tom Sebastian and educational consultant Kathleen Eich; · Reaching New Heights with Gordon’s Ladder…Reflecting on Coaching facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Amy Walker and Diane Hubona; · Hybrid Learning, Station-Rotation Model: Coaching Teachers for Success facilitated by Curriculum Services Coordinator Rae Ann Crispell, IU PIIC Mentor Christine Mitchelltree, and Instructional Coach Donna Spear; · Breakout your PLC facilitated by IU PIIC Mentor Scott Snyder, Instructional Coach Barb Wilkinson, and IU PIIC Mentor Alicia Hull; · Teacher Leadership…Coaching for Change facilitated by RMC Jacky Territo, IU PIIC Mentors Breanne Scears and Jen Herncane. After a short break, the day ended with IU team time (an opportunity for IU groups to reflect together on their new learnings) and mentor reflection (an opportunity to process information and plan for future use). The event concluded on October 26th with announcements made by Ellen Eisenberg and Ivan Charner, Director, National Institute for Work and Learning and a new version of World Café: a totally “RAD” (Reflect, Apply and Discuss) session. After a short break, the conversation continued with Ivan Charner introducing the Afterthoughts sessions. Topics discussed during the Afterthoughts session were developed by participants and were intended to continue conversations from the sessions that took place during the first two days of the PLO. Participants then ended their day with Independent Reflection, IU Team Time, and more mentor reflections. Feedback from the PLO was positive: “This is the BEST professional development I have ever been to in my 21 year career! WOW! The level of learning in each session and the opportunities to connect with others who also coach was second to none! THANK YOU for this opportunity! Can't wait to come back!” – Instructional Coach “Being this was my first time attending a PLO, it exceeded all of my expectations. I learned so much from the sessions and thought the presenters were excellent!” – Instructional Coach “Amazing conversation to support the strong professional learning experiences. ALL will be used in my district to support all levels of instruction.” – Instructional Coach You can read more feedback from this PLO on the Testimonials page. The PLO agenda is available on our Past Professional Learning Opportunities page. You can also find photos from the even in the PIIC Photo Gallery. Our next PIIC Professional Development will be January 4-6 at the Penn Stater Conference Center. For more information, visit our Events Page or contact your IU PIIC Mentor. |